
Dear lovely followers,

I deeply apologize that I have gone (on yet another) unplanned & unexpected hiatus. My life has been a little crazy lately– I think I’m having my quarter life crisis a year early and my creativity has been drained.

Please bear with me as I fight to get my creativity back. I miss writing and reviewing but I haven’t been able to find anything to say! It’s devastating.

I always update GoodReads when I’m reading and I update Twitter & Instagram semi-regularly, please follow me there!

Much love,


5 thoughts on “Hiatus

    1. Thank you! I really appreciate it. I have all these reviews I want to write and really no creativity or energy to do them. It’s so mentally exhausting but it makes me sad.


      1. That’s so sweet. Thank you for the offer but I think I just need some time. I’m still reading a ton so when I get back to myself I’ll hopefully have tons of reviews lined up–scheduling my posts helps! 🙂


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